Distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining are two primary types of strategy used in negotiation or conflict resolution. Take note that […]
The Pros and Cons of Augmented Reality
Augmented reality or AR involves the addition of digital elements such as graphics, audio, haptic feedback, and other sensory information […]
“Good Theory” According to Stephen Hawking
What is a good theory? What are the components that make a theory good? How do renowned thinkers describe a […]
What Is Pareto Optimality?
Pareto optimality is a concept of efficiency promoted by Italian sociologist and economist Vilfredo Pareto. Also known as Pareto efficiency, […]
What is a Health Risk Factor?
What is a health risk factor? Or in other words, what does it mean when people say that someone is […]
What Is Error 404?
An Error 404 or 404 Not Found error prompt is a standard response code in Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP. […]
The Difference Between Hardware and Software
Two major components constitute a typical computer system. These are the physical hardware and the computer software. Hardware vs. Software: […]
SWOT Analysis: Benefits and Applications
The applications of the SWOT analytical framework or SWOT aablysis have been expansive because of its numerous benefits or advantages. […]
SWOT Analysis: Limitations and Drawbacks
SWOT analysis is an analytical framework that has become a popular tool for analyzing the internal and external situation of […]