Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun. It orbits at an average distance of 58 million kilometers. However, despite […]
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of Nike
Nike continues to dominate the sportswear market and the more specific sports equipment market. It also remains a significant competitor […]
Red Flags: The Warning Signs of Investment Scams
The best way to avoid becoming a victim of one of those investment scams is to avoid them. However, this […]
Steve Jobs: Accomplishments and Contributions
Steve Jobs died on 5 October 2011 at the age of 56 due to pancreatic cancer. Despite his demise, his […]
Pros and Cons of Laminated Display
A laminated display is a specific design and manufacturing configuration of a display output. Take note that a display screen […]
The Fixation of Belief: The Four Methods
Charles Sanders Pierce, an American philosopher and scientist who has been labeled as the father of pragmatism, wrote an essay […]
What is the Purpose of After-Sales Service?
After-Sales service is an example of a sales promotion activity. By definition, it includes all business activities geared toward customer […]
Authoritarian Leadership: The Pros and Cons
The Pros: Strengths and Advantages of Authoritarian Leadership 1. Pressure is Placed on the Leader Alone: One of the strengths […]
The Purpose of a CRM System
A customer relationship management system or CRM system is a specific application of information systems centered on managing the interaction […]
Difference Between Marketing and Sales
Both marketing and sales are important and related components of a business operation aimed at bringing goods or services to […]