Alopecia or hair loss is a widespread disorder that affects millions of individuals across the world. The condition is often […]
DALL-E 2 Review: Pros and Cons
Generative AI has exploded in recent years due to the advances in machine learning and deep learning models and other […]
Apple HomePod (2nd Gen) Quick Review: Pros and Cons
There is an obvious attempt for Apple to claim the consumer audio market and the more specific smart speaker market […]
Apple HomePod Mini Quick Review: Pros and Cons
The introduction of the HomePod Mini in November 2020 marked the further expansion of Apple to the consumer audio market. […]
Top 6 Budget Hotels in Metro Manila
Luxury hotels have sprawled across the metropolitan area of the Philippines due to the thriving consumer economy and pervasiveness of […]
3 Things To Do In Intramuros in Manila
Intramuros might be a remnant of the colonial past of the Philippines, but it remains flourishing. Within the Walled City […]
Top 4 Tourist Destinations in Manila City
Most foreigners and even some locals often use “Manila” to refer to the metropolitan area called Metro Manila. However, this […]
Etymology: Origin of the Word “Manila”
Ever wondered how Manila got its name? There have been several assumptions and contentions relating to the origin of the […]
The Major Subfields of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines. It is both a field of discipline and a technological concept concerned with […]
Importance of Natural Language Processing in AI
Natural language processing or NLP is a subfield of artificial intelligence that is concerned with equipping machines or computer systems […]