Ultraviolet A or UVA and Ultraviolet B or UVB are forms of electromagnetic radiation and examples of an electromagnetic wave […]
The Science of Sunburn: Causes, Mechanism, and Effects
A sunburn is a radiation burn that affects primarily the skin and other tissues such as the eyes and lips. […]
Explainer: How Sunscreens Work
Sunscreens have become essential in skin care due to the protection they provide from the harmful ultraviolet radiation coming from […]
Physical Sunscreen vs. Chemical Sunscreen: The Difference
There are two broad types of sunscreen products categorized according to their mode of action. Both provide protection against the […]
Sunscreen vs. Sunblock: What is the Difference
There are topical skincare products specifically formulated to protect the skin from the damaging and potentially cancerous effects of the […]
Simple Carbohydrates vs Complex Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates or saccharides are one of the three macronutrients alongside fat and proteins. Hence, as such, our bodies need them […]
WHO: Three Dimensions of Burnout
The World Health Organization or WHO included burnout in the 2019 iteration of its International Classification of Diseases or IDC-11. […]
Patient-Centered and People-Centered Care: Background
Numerous health care practitioners have recommended redirecting the modern healthcare system from the traditional doctor-centered and disease-centered approaches to one […]
Macrophages: Functions, Mechanism, Significance
Macrophages are one of the major types of white blood cells or leukocytes of the immune system that play an […]
Thymus: Functions and Significance
The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ located behind the sternum, between the upper portions of the lungs, and in […]