Parochial altruism refers to the tendency of individuals to favor those in their own group while acting less cooperatively toward […]
History in Brief: Origin of International Women’s Day
March 8 of each year marks the celebration of International Women’s Day. This special date serves as a reminder of […]
Individualistic vs Structural: Theories of Poverty
There are two schools of thought that theorize the causes of poverty. These are the individualistic theories and structural theories. […]
Health At Every Size: The 5 Principles of HAES
The Association for Size Diversity and Health or ASDAH has developed and promoted the Health At Every Size or HAES […]
Information Literacy: A Definition
The term “information literacy” first appeared in 1974 in a report published by the former National Commission on Libraries and […]
Why Do People Break Laws: Causes of Crime
There are different types of lawbreakers. Some commit heinous crimes like murder, kidnapping, rape, drug trafficking, corruption, and treason, among […]
Water Cremation 101: Pros and Cons of Alkaline Hydrolysis
Body disposal through alkaline hydrolysis involves placing the intact dead body in a pressurized vessel. The vessel is then filled […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cremation
Cremation has become an alternative to the burial of an intact body because of pressing concerns over limited land availability […]
The Fixation of Belief: The Four Methods
Charles Sanders Pierce, an American philosopher and scientist who has been labeled as the father of pragmatism, wrote an essay […]
Corporate Social Responsibility Theory of Milton Friedman
In his 1970 article that appeared on the New York Times, American economist Milton Friedman discussed the social responsibility of […]